Yo. It’s been a while hasn’t it? About 3 months to be exact. So where have I been? To be honest mostly gaming and chilling in different Twitch chats. It’s been a long time coming, but Burn out hit hard recently. So for my own sanity, I decided to forego battling bugs to battling random enemies in games. Most recently I’ve really gotten into Lost Ark, but that’s an entire can of Worms I prefer not to open. None of this really matters because I’ve come bearing gifts (if you can call it that). I’ve finally put together some of my projects and setup their respective repos. I was thinking of making seperate posts for each of these, discussing some of their features, but for now their README files should suffice.

This batch of projects in particular are all open source so you guys can poke around and see how everything works. I’ve also left most of the comments in the code. I took a bit longer to release these because for some reason deciding which license to use on them turned into a chore. I just went ahead and slapped an MIT license on most of them.

That’s the update for now, but I also have more projects that I want to clean up and upload. For those however, I actually plan on making individual posts/devlogs for them since they’re the game projects. I’m still deciding on whether they’re going to be all in video format only (which can’t really be future proofed if they’re tutorials) or if it’ll be worth the time to make a text version for each to ensure future version can just be edited. I’ll decide when I get around to them, but it’s definitely something to I’m looking into.

Now onto what this post is really about. Here are the links to the repos/projects:


This is a GUI implementation of my previous CLI tool, using Godot and C# I’ve been wanting to use GODOT for some of my main Game projects, so I decided to learn it a bit more by converting an older project

The main difference from its CLI counterpart besides having an actual interface is the built in ability to browse the converted wallpaper folder and a rightlick menu that lets you set as a windows wallpaper directly or delete the files.

The rest in this list are already availabe on the projects page, but now they have their respective repositories and are open source



There are still some projects to be uploaded here, but I’ll make a seperate post for those when they’re ready. In typical programming fashion they became riddled with bugs as soon as I went to compile. If you made it all the way down here, you’re a real one. Don’t worry, I’m going to try and make my next post before the 3 month mark.