Note: Releases


  • Simple terminal/console tool that lets you grab those amazing wallpapers Windows uses for its login screens.

How to use
  • Simply open up your Windows console/terminal and type in yoink
  • Follow the on screen instructions and you should have a new folder within your pictures folder named Spotlight with your new wallpapers
    • The login screen wallpapers don’t update very often, so try to use the command maybe once a week I’ve programmed in a daily useage just incase

How it works
  • Windows actually stores the wallpapers it uses for the login screen temporarily in a folder located at:Appdata\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets;
  • The files don’t have an extension and are a mixed batch of different sizes/aspect ratios
  • What this tool does:
    • it grab those files
    • convert them to a jpeg format
    • Filter out the non 1920 x 1080 files
    • Copy them all to the new folder stated above


