This is a re-release of the first version which I also released on ITCH.IO sometime last year.
Fixed a couple issues and added a some features that were meant to be in on release.


Added: Version label at the bottom right of the interface (links to patch notes when clicked)

Fixed: Removed all the material theme package components and fixed all the broken code (all of it pretty much)

Fixed: Merged all the changes made in the DEV PATCH MADE BETWEEN 4/15 - 4/26 (before the app was broken)

Change: Renamed to L.A.D (Looter Automated Database) since will be generalizing it

Patch notes for the Current version at the ITCHIO page
This is the very first version and a lot has changed
- Program now renamed to B.A.D (Borderlands automatic database)
- Renamed FARM LABEL to help user better understand what to do
- Farm name input box automatically becomes active when program is first opened 

[Dev Patch 4/15 - 4/26]
- Fixed
	- Farm name variable changes when farm name is input so that streamer mode save gets name
	- Elapsed time functionality switched to stopwatch useage for consistancy 
		- Prevents from updating regardless of timer being stopped/program reset
	- Reseting the run now correctly clears all data from program 
	- Toggling streamer mode no longer auto saves data 
		- Save controller now has seperate function for streamer mode 
	- Opening a log opens program directory if log doesn't exist
		- Added seperate directory for config and files 

- Added checkbox to increase CPU priority of the game to HIGH
- Added streamer mode (toggle) to program to stream data directly to notepad for OBS TEXT OBJECT
	- On programs tick function if streamer mode is enabled it'll create temp save file and write there in realtime (per tick)
- Added mayhem level dropdown up to 10 
	- Added this info to save file

- Configured the save data with more splitters like "x|x|x|x|x|x"

- Added JSON configuration file to keep track of program data
	- Keep logindex value
	- Keep optimize states whether or not to set the CPU priority etc
	- Remembers current save file to avoid issues with missing file
- Added Pressing CTRL+N creates a new LOG and the program starts saving there instead
	- Reworked how the save system gets its information (gets directly from Companion.cs)
	- File system creation adjusted to account for multiple save files

- Changed main namespace to (Hood.Core)

- Added error catcher script, extends windows ERRORPROVIDER 
	- If farm name is left blank
	- If LOG is being accessed in anyway before it's even created

- Removed visual style enabler in Program.cs for windows 95 look

- Added new hotkey combination functions
	- Pressing CTRL+S Manually saves farm log
	- Pressing CTRL+O opens current log

- renamed main form (Form1 is no longer)

- removed dead code 

- cleaned up switch statement that hands text input

- removed DING sound when submitting after entering new text (pressing enter)